The Ace Cafe: Then and Now (Softcover)

After The BattleSKU: 208514

    • Flexible Softcover: The softcover design offers a lightweight and flexible format, providing an accessible option for readers interested in exploring the history of the Ace Cafe.
    • Nostalgic Visual Journey: Meticulously curated photographs offer a nostalgic visual journey, showcasing the evolution of the Ace Cafe and its vibrant history.
    • Insightful Commentary: Accompanied by insightful commentary, the book contextualizes the photographs, offering readers a deeper understanding of the Ace Cafe's cultural significance.
    • Tactile Experience: The softcover enhances the tactile experience, inviting readers to engage physically with the book and connect with the cultural richness of the Ace Cafe.
    • Portability: The softcover's portability makes it an ideal companion for enthusiasts to carry and share the story of the Ace Cafe, fostering a sense of community among motorcycling and automotive history enthusiasts.

Prezzo scontato$75.95
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The Ace Cafe: Then and Now (Softcover) is a nostalgic and visually immersive exploration of the iconic Ace Cafe's history, seamlessly juxtaposing the past with the present. Encased in a softcover, this book offers a flexible and accessible format for readers to delve into the rich heritage of the Ace Cafe. Meticulously curated photographs, accompanied by insightful commentary, provide a compelling journey through time, capturing the essence of this legendary venue. The softcover format enhances the tactile experience, making it an approachable and portable companion for enthusiasts of motorcycling culture and automotive history.

Product Specifications

  • Flexible Softcover: The softcover design offers a lightweight and flexible format, providing an accessible option for readers interested in exploring the history of the Ace Cafe.
  • Nostalgic Visual Journey: Meticulously curated photographs offer a nostalgic visual journey, showcasing the evolution of the Ace Cafe and its vibrant history.
  • Insightful Commentary: Accompanied by insightful commentary, the book contextualizes the photographs, offering readers a deeper understanding of the Ace Cafe's cultural significance.
  • Tactile Experience: The softcover enhances the tactile experience, inviting readers to engage physically with the book and connect with the cultural richness of the Ace Cafe.
  • Portability: The softcover's portability makes it an ideal companion for enthusiasts to carry and share the story of the Ace Cafe, fostering a sense of community among motorcycling and automotive history enthusiasts.
Length : 21 cm Width : 1,3 cm
Height : 20 cm

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