In the aftermath of the Drift Crisis, investigators working for the Eyeswide Agency scramble to take on an influx of cases to track down missing people, bring back lost property, and unravel the tangled threads of interrupted lives. The strange stories born from those strange times would later come to be known as the Drift Crisis Case Files. This all-new Starfinder adventure anthology includes:
Charmed Life: A wealthy socialite hires the investigators to search for her missing friend, influencer Kym Testa, who was among thousands to disappear during the Drift Crash. The Eyes must trace the celebrity's digital trail, all the while avoiding a team of ruthless Hellknights hired by Testa's desperate father to bring her home at any cost! (Level 3-4)
Family Heirloom: Edriad, a shirren refugee, hires the investigators to find a precious family heirloom stolen from her hotel rooma highly coveted cursed artifact known as The Heretic Worm
Product Specifications
- The first-ever Starfinder short adventure anthology builds off the epic Drift Crisis and provides plenty of options for one- or two-session adventures!
- The anthology contains adventures suitable for a wide range of character levels.
- Starfinder is Paizo's second major roleplaying game, following up the phenomenal success of the game-changing Pathfinder RPG.
Length : 0,5 cm |
Width : 27,5 cm |
Height : 21,5 cm |