The Drift Crisis continues! In crumbling Alluvion, the goddess Triune's city domain within the Drift, the heroes are thrust into the center of tensions between anxious factions at the heart of the Drift Crisis catastrophe! By agreeing to aid a desperate android priest of Casandalee, the heroes can start to help healing these divides. But first, they must curry the favor of a community of ysoki scrappers outside of the Dark, a neighborhood where technology doesn't work that hasn't been touched by light for decades. Exploring those murky streets, they confront undead menaces and otherworldly spirits of hatred and anger, eventually restoring light and power to the cursed region, and shining further illumination as to the origin of the Drift Crisis! "A Light in the Dark" is a Starfinder adventure for four 7th-level characters, launching the 3-volume Drift Hackers Adventure Path
Product Specifications
- The first installment of an all-new Starfinder Adventure Path makes the perfect hop-on point for players and GMs looking for a new science fantasy campaign!
- This adventure is a key element of the Drift Crisis-a huge Starfinder metaplot event that will touch every part of the Starfinder product line in 2022, centered on this Adventure Path and May's Starfinder Drift Crisis hardcover!
- The Drift Crisis is one of the most important publishing programs of Paizo's 2022 calendar, with bi-monthly adventure installments and tie-ins with Paizo's worldwide Starfinder Society organized play campaign, hardcover rulebook line, accessories, live streaming, and marketing campaigns. A great jumping-in point for the entire Starfinder line!
Length : 21 cm |
Width : 0,6 cm |
Height : 27,3 cm |