My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers (known as "Quirks") are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk of his own, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school.
However, Deku's luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World's Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, "One For All". Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes.
Here we have Izuku Midoriya, better known as Deku, who is the ninth holder of One For All and is shown here wearing his iconic green helmet as he prepares to defend his friends. More importantly, he comes with a stunning Metallic finish.
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Product Specifications
- My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers (known as “Quirks") are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk of his own, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school.
- However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes.
- Here we have Izuku Midoriya, better known as Deku, who is the ninth holder of One For All and is shown here wearing his iconic green helmet as he prepares to defend his friends. More importantly, he comes with a stunning Metallic finish.
Length : 11 cm | Width : 9 cm |
Height : 15 cm |
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